Comic "je danse le quadrille"
My first published children book !
This book is the project of my dear aunt, Isabelle Calabre, who is a writer and journalist on dance. She worked on the text while I focused on the illustrations.
The book tells the story of Anita, a little girl living in Guadeloupe, one day she's introduced by a grandmother to a dance called quadrille. She soon gonna discover more about this dance and its history.
The publisher is Caraïbéditions.


Pixel Art

"Dossier Moyen-Âge"
A file about the middles ages in France that I drew for a children magazine called popcorn !
Publisher : Gallimard Jeunesse

"Mission correspondant"
A few pages I illustrated for a famous french kids magazine "geo ado". The article was about having pen pals, how to find them, which mistakes to avoid, and ideas to spend good time with them when they come to visit your country.
Publisher : Milan

A few illustrations and posters I realized for the activist association for ecology : alternatiba. I mostly worked on ideas about the quality of the air.